DJs Blake Baker DJs Blake Baker

Josh Sanders ⏐ 🇺🇸

Josh Sanders , born and raised in Dallas, began his DJ career in 2020. In that short time he already earned a residency at Dallas’s top LGBT night club, Station 4.

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DJs Blake Baker DJs Blake Baker

Sam Gee ⏐ 🇨🇦

Sam Gee was raised in Vancouver, BC where he began experiencing the electronic music scene. At age 19, he began booking international gigs as a dancer and launched his modeling career. Within a short time, he developed a huge social media fan base, attracting over 200,000 Instagram followers. This notoriety attracted the attention of MTV, who starred him in "True Life:  I'm a Go-Go God". Sam also appears regularly on the YouTube original series "The Circuit".  After several years in the dancing scene, he began to explore his musical interests by traveling to Brazil to study production. Currently Sam is residing in New York.

As a result of all his international travel, Sam has grown an understanding and appreciation for the vast musical attributes that each culture has to offer, influencing his personal music style of high energy beats with a middle eastern flare, reflective of his Persian heritage. As Sam transitions to be an iconic DJ and producer, he invites you to stay tuned and #FeelTheEnerGEE!

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DJs Blake Baker DJs Blake Baker

Nick Stracener ⏐ 🇺🇸

DJ Nick Stracener, who many already know as an influencer in the LGBT community, is also a classically trained musician with his finger on the pulse of the current circuit club scene. From gogo dancing to promoting, Nick has lived the scene from every angle. Passionate about sound, DJ Nick Stracener has a number of creative lenses he filters his music through, combining indegenous rhythms with sultry female vocals. Performing with an energetic flair that’s addictive as it is therapeutic, Nick Stracener is a musical medicine man. His uplifting sound is self-care shared, offering listeners with a remedy for life's daily grind, coupled with holistic grinding of his own. Don’t get your turntables twisted, he may look like a musclebound meathead, but fans know Nick takes his art more seriously than himself, a trait his 187k Instagram followers love about him.

 -Come for the muscle, stay for the music.

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